About Us

You went to the mission field because you knew God called you to a broken people needing Jesus.

Now, you are the broken person needing a fresh touch from Jesus. We get it. You get back to the US and no one gets you. So much has changed. You could adapt if you were at your best, but you’re exhausted, hurt or just wondering where to go from here.

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What is Coaching?

Coaching is a way by which one can get “unstuck” and/or develop healthy strategy for the journey ahead. Coaching is rooted in the belief that the client is resourceful, creative and capable of working out the plans God has for him/her. Christian Life Coaching acknowledges the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit and the fact that God is the giver of wisdom. Coaching is a great tool for those in transition or considering change. Coaching is also a great tool for helping to clarify and manage the present.

What is Debriefing?

Debriefing is the method by which one can share his/her story. Debriefing allows space for sorting out and making sense of the journey on has traveled—— including experiences, events and emotions. Ministry leaders gain perspective, healing and freedom as they process and share in a safe, caring and confidential environment.

“The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”
Proverbs 11:25


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123, New Lenox Chicago, IL 00000

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